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VARDAVAR By Shushan Avagyan What started with rose petals sprinkled in abundance onto joyful crowds of Armenian ancestry, centuries ago, in celebration of a saint - now, on a hot July afternoon, spread across the turbulent streets of Yerevan, metamorphosing into a wild pagan ritual of water, turned into a mystical ingredient, purified and hidden in tin carafes - waiting in the hands of stealthy adolescents for random startled passers by. Yerevan July 7, 2002 Shushan Avagyan was born in Yerevan, Armenia. She's a visual artist, poet, and graduated from Cedar Crest College in Allentown, PA. Shushan won the first and second prizes at the Armenian Allied Arts' Poetry Contest in 2002. She's presently working on a manual of poetry, to be published in 2003. Copyright ← 2002 Shushan Avagyan.