Armenian News Network / Groong


Conceptualizing the Attempt to Annihilate the Armenians of Turkey: two 1915 cartoons by William Charles Morris


April 23, 2014

Special to Groong by Abraham D. Krikorian and Eugene L. Taylor, Long Island, NY




Much has been written about cartoons as being editorials at a glance, or cartoons as historical sources, cartoons as teachers and preachers, cartoons for both cruelty and humor, cartoons for getting at the truth, cartoons as part of the image-makers arsenal, cartoons as picture politics, cartoons for teaching of popular history and so forth. 


Charles William Morris (1874-1940), whose works appeared in The Spokesman Review, New York Tribune, New York Mail, Harper’s Weekly, George Matthew Adams Syndicate etc., produced in our opinion two of the most instructive cartoons of the early period.  These derive from Harper’s Weekly in 1915 (volume 61).



The German Eagle: “How Goes It, dear Ally?”  The Turkey Buzzard:

“If the last census report is correct, one third of the Armenian question is settled.”




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